Today we took Peppermint & Tom to our favorite seafood restaurant in San Diego,
Point Loma Seafoods. It's our favorite because it is the best, freshest, yummiest seafood for the price. It's very no-nonsense, no frills, but the food is fantastic and reasonably priced.

We got there and the parking lot was full. But PLS actually has a full time person directing traffic and parking in the lot, because there are so few parking spaces and so much traffic all the time. That seemed to be a recurring theme in their visit over the last few days. It's hard to find parking in San Diego!
We gave our orders to Todd and Tom, and Peppermint and I went to vulture seats. Peppermint has mastered the art of seat-vulturing quite well! She's got the eagle-eye for people who are almost done with their food and look like they're leaving. Then she swoops in and bam!, we have a table. She did that quite impressively yesterday at Burger Lounge. So the big San Diego lesson for Peppermint & Tom was: gotta be a good vulture to find parking and restaurant seating around here. :p
The boys came bearing our seafood loot. Todd had a halibut sandwich.

I had one of the specials of the day: soft-shelled crab sandwich.

Tom had a crabcakes plate with french fries and cole slaw.

And Peppermint had a scallop sandwich, which I've had before and loved it.

And we ordered a
ceviche to share, since we talked about it the whole time they were here, since they've seen it on Top Chef.

After the fabulous lunch, we drove down the street to
Cabrillo National Monument. From there, you get the best views of San Diego and Coronado.

A distant view of the statue/monument of Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo.

And a close-up view.

Todd in front of the
Old Point Loma Lighthouse.

Closer-up of the lighthouse.

After that, we headed down to the
U.S.S. Midway, a retired aircraft carrier that you can tour.

Todd and Tom went on board for the tour, while Peppermint and I walked around at Seaport Village. Tom was really excited to go, because he's a big history buff. I am told that he took lots of photos!
After that, we took Peppermint & Tom to the airport for their return trip back to Wisconsin. The four days went by so fast! I really enjoyed showing them the sights of San Diego, because it reminds me of why I like living here so much. There is a lot to see and do, and a lot of good food to be had! I think Peppermint & Tom had a good time here. We didn't drug them and sell their kidneys, so I'm sure they're relieved. I kept telling them that they were exactly as I imagined they would be. This is a good thing. I love talking to Peppermint via IM. Ours was an easy friendship from the start, and their visit turned out really fun. I wish they lived closer, because they are "our people" and we can definitely see ourselves hanging out with them. Hopefully Peppermint & Tom felt the same way, LOL! You can see
her blog over the next few days as she updates stuff from the trip.
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