Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Just in Summertime

Being in the right place at the right time is always a great feeling. That's why I do what I can to make it happen. Sometimes you just get lucky. These passengers were lucky when they faced an 8-hour delay but were spared when a registered airline mechanic happened to be on board. And sometimes it is planned. When you pay the premium to live in San Diego, you have to purposefully take advantage when opportunities present. And most of the summer they do. While we love our new kitchen and have been cooking a lot, sometimes being in the right place at the right time means a bit of weeknight fun out of the house. Especially since remodel-related tasks have limited extra-curricular activity much of this summer to date. Seeing that opportunity, I suggested a trip to La Jolla with a food stop at Burger Lounge, one of our favorites. Burger Lounge has been profiled on this blog before. They serve a fantastic grass-fed beef on a light and delicious French bun. I'm always amazed when people go there and get a turkey burger or chicken nuggets. People, it's Burger Lounge! Do you get chicken at a seafood restaurant? Sushi at 7-11? Crème Brûlée at a diner? Photobucket This hamburger did not last much longer! And the scenery in La Jolla is not half bad either! Photobucket Photobucket If you visit San Diego, the La Jolla cove is a must visit. We visit it from time to time and we live here. It's among the best places here to stroll around, chat and take things in. Photobucket The only downside is getting in and out can be arduous. But if it gets me in the right place at the right time I will make it happen!


  1. Mmm, the burger looks delicioius! And ecological beef too, that is nice. The view from La Jolla in the afternoon sun is stunning, great photos!

  2. that burger looks scrumptious!! Gorgeous view!

  3. There's that burger again! If I ever find myself in California, I will have to eat me one of those!! And..there's nothing better than grass fed beef. We order ours from US Wellness Meats (http://www.grasslandbeef.com/StoreFront.bok) Comes frozen in one pound packages..got 50 pounds in the freezer right now.

    How can you stay in your house with views like that in La Jolla??

  4. I agree with both your assessment of Burger Lounge and that The Cove is a must-see for any San Diego visitors (and residents).

  5. A Burger Lounge just opened up in Little Italy, just down the street from the office. I still haven't had a chance to visit, but looking at the picture, I should. I mean it looks like it's taken from a menu or commercial or something. Burgers never look the way they do on the menu or how it looks on TV!


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