did the San Diego Triathlon Classic last year for the first time. It is an Olympic-distance triathlon, which means it is 1500m (a little less than a mile) swim, 40km (~25 mile) bike, and 10km (6.2 miles) run. He liked it so much that he decided to do it again this year! His training ran into some snags this year, but he did so well and ended up beating his time last year by 3 minutes!
We set our alarm clock for 4:30am. Yucky! I hate getting up so early and when it’s so dark. We got our stuff ready the night before, so it wasn’t too much trouble to get out the door at 5:00am and head down to Liberty Station. Todd made it into the transition area with plenty of time to set his equipment up this year, unlike last year.
One of the Marine bands played some songs prior to the start of the race. Boy it was still dark!
Just as the sun was starting to rise, everyone gathered around the start of the swim.
The Marine band played the national anthem.
Todd’s friend Jim found him prior to the start. Jim was in the same age group as Todd so they got to start together.
Hey that’s me! I was there on official duty as Todd’s personal race photographer.
Todd also found his friend Peter. Peter and Jim don’t know each other, but it was time for a group photo!
Todd’s swim heat started at 6:48am. He was in the 7th heat. It was 3 minutes between each heat and the race started at 6:30am.
Todd looking back to find me.
Todd and Jim swimming to the start buoy for their heat.
All the blue caps lining up for the start of their race.
And there they went!
I found Todd coming out of the water after 33 minutes. He looked so happy to be done with the swim part of the race. He beat his last year’s swim time by 3 minutes, or 10%.
Running and trying to get the wetsuit off… I wouldn’t recommend it for the normal person.
Todd changed into his bike clothes in the transition area and came out for the bike part of the race.
I set up my area at the end of the bike route. It was going to be close to 1.5 hours, so I brought snacks, water, Todd’s iPad, and some books. This area would soon fill with spectators.
Todd was faster than I thought he would be on the bike. Before I knew it, there he was waving at me!
I quickly packed up my stuff and found him in the transition area.
He started his watch for the run, but forgot to change from his bike shorts to his running shorts!
But one thing he didn’t forget was his fuel… a cookie!
Todd on the run.

After about 53 minutes of running, Todd had enough energy to sprint to the finish! I was so proud of him!
Getting his medal.
Peter had finished a few minutes earlier. They found each other after the race.
Tired but so happy to finish strong!
The best part about the location of the race is that it’s near Point Loma Seafoods, our favorite seafood place in San Diego. Todd chowed down into his fresh halibut sandwich.
For Todd’s account of the race, you can
read it on his blog.
I made a video of the race. Click play to enjoy!
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