Today was the last day of Project 365! I did it!
It feels almost as good as finishing grad school, LOL. Not quite, but almost. P365 was a rather ambitious undertaking on my part. Well, taking the photos weren't so bad. The transferring of photos to the computer, processing of photos, and blogging was the time-consuming part. However, I'm not one who can settle for a half-ass job, so I had to blog and journal about things.
Today I went to the office to work, because I actually had some deadlines. Today was a holiday for Todd's work, so he was able to spend time with his parents. They went for a walk at Miramar Lake. It was a GORGEOUS day. It was 70 degrees and sunny.

After I came home from work, we opened our gifts to each other and had Christmas all over again! Todd got me and his mom both Ohio State Buckeye shirts. We match!

And he got himself one, LOL.

We gave Todd's mom a recipe book that we made ourselves. We took all the food photos this year (seen on this blog), and I designed the book.

The title is "From Our Kitchen to Yours: Favorite Recipes from the Newman Clubhouse". We gave several as gifts and I got them printed 8x8 at Artscow. I will share pages and details in a few days. Overall I'm really happy with it, and so were the recipients!
We got Todd's dad a Hawaiian shirt from Kauai, but I forgot to take a photo of him opening it.
Todd's parents got me some glitter cardstock for my paper-crafting needs. I love it and I'm planning to use them for cards and in my Silhouette digital cutter.

Todd got some cooking instruments from his parents, for our newly remodeled kitchen.

Todd gave me a book about dumplings, which I love, and a book that teaches you how to draw cartoon animals, which I've been really wanting to learn.

Lastly, Todd's parents gave both of us a Garmin GPS unit to put in the car! It's an awesome gift! Now we won't get lost anymore.

Then we went to work on cooking our New Year's Eve dinner. I cooked my famous Cream of Mushroom Soup. This is my specialty and I've made it many times. Todd doesn't eat mushroom, so I've learned to make this myself.

It's actually pretty easy and takes about an hour, including 25 minutes of simmer time. And it's pretty healthy because you only use a little bit of half and half.
Todd made his favorite BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwiches. I'm aghast that I forgot to take a photo. See if you can see some on our plates.

In the evening, Todd made caramel popcorn from scratch and we all ate a bunch. So good!
I have a couple of fun things to show you.
My "09 Year-In-Review" template was featured on The Daily Digi blog today! I didn't know it, so it was such a pleasant surprise!
And... Sweet Shoppe Designs has a brand-new challenge system in 2010, and guess who is the first featured scrapper of 2010 on their blog? :)
Happy New Year everyone! Talk to you in 2010!
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It feels almost as good as finishing grad school, LOL. Not quite, but almost. P365 was a rather ambitious undertaking on my part. Well, taking the photos weren't so bad. The transferring of photos to the computer, processing of photos, and blogging was the time-consuming part. However, I'm not one who can settle for a half-ass job, so I had to blog and journal about things.
Today I went to the office to work, because I actually had some deadlines. Today was a holiday for Todd's work, so he was able to spend time with his parents. They went for a walk at Miramar Lake. It was a GORGEOUS day. It was 70 degrees and sunny.

After I came home from work, we opened our gifts to each other and had Christmas all over again! Todd got me and his mom both Ohio State Buckeye shirts. We match!

And he got himself one, LOL.

We gave Todd's mom a recipe book that we made ourselves. We took all the food photos this year (seen on this blog), and I designed the book.

The title is "From Our Kitchen to Yours: Favorite Recipes from the Newman Clubhouse". We gave several as gifts and I got them printed 8x8 at Artscow. I will share pages and details in a few days. Overall I'm really happy with it, and so were the recipients!
We got Todd's dad a Hawaiian shirt from Kauai, but I forgot to take a photo of him opening it.
Todd's parents got me some glitter cardstock for my paper-crafting needs. I love it and I'm planning to use them for cards and in my Silhouette digital cutter.

Todd got some cooking instruments from his parents, for our newly remodeled kitchen.

Todd gave me a book about dumplings, which I love, and a book that teaches you how to draw cartoon animals, which I've been really wanting to learn.

Lastly, Todd's parents gave both of us a Garmin GPS unit to put in the car! It's an awesome gift! Now we won't get lost anymore.

Then we went to work on cooking our New Year's Eve dinner. I cooked my famous Cream of Mushroom Soup. This is my specialty and I've made it many times. Todd doesn't eat mushroom, so I've learned to make this myself.

It's actually pretty easy and takes about an hour, including 25 minutes of simmer time. And it's pretty healthy because you only use a little bit of half and half.
Todd made his favorite BBQ Pulled Chicken Sandwiches. I'm aghast that I forgot to take a photo. See if you can see some on our plates.

In the evening, Todd made caramel popcorn from scratch and we all ate a bunch. So good!
I have a couple of fun things to show you.
My "09 Year-In-Review" template was featured on The Daily Digi blog today! I didn't know it, so it was such a pleasant surprise!
And... Sweet Shoppe Designs has a brand-new challenge system in 2010, and guess who is the first featured scrapper of 2010 on their blog? :)
Happy New Year everyone! Talk to you in 2010!