Thursday, November 29, 2007
Living life out of the box
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Life is good

Saturday, November 24, 2007
We spent the week before Thanksgiving in Dallas at my sister's house. Due to schedule coordinating issues, we decided that the week before Thanksgiving worked better for everyone. The bonus is that the airfare was cheaper than going the week of Thanksgiving, and the airport wasn't as crowded. All good things!
I loved spending time with Joyce, Alex, my nephews Xander and Andrew. I love spending time with my Dad too, but I can see him on any weekend! We got to stay at their house and watch them be themselves in their own environment, which was very cool. They always used to come to California to see us, so this was definitely a nice change.
We got there Thursday night (11/15) around 9 PM. Alex picked us up from the airport. The drive back to the house took about 45 minutes. Once there, everyone else was sleeping already, so we chatted a bit with Joyce and Alex, then we went to bed early.
The next day we hung out around the house until lunch time. We had lunch at a Mexican place called La Posada. It was alright, not totally authentic. But the service was really good. I had just a single crispy taco with rice and beans. After lunch, we hit Wal-Mart. We got some groceries so that Todd can make his famous chili for dinner. Needless to say, it was delicious and everyone liked it except for Alex, who is a "beanist". He doesn't like the texture of beans.
On Saturday, Joyce went to pick up our turkey meal at Tom Thumb. We had a turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy, cranberry sauce, yams, rolls, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie. It was all so delicious!

Saturday was also the annual rivalry game between the OSU Buckeyes and the Michigan Wolverines. So we all watched the game while enjoying our Thanksgiving dinner and togetherness. We were all so excited when the Buckeyes beat Michigan 14-3 and secured a spot in the Rose Bowl by winning the Big Ten conference!
As for the actual Thanksgiving day, we spent it at home with just me and Todd. We really enjoyed our own non-traditional Thanksgiving meal of chicken corn chowder, balsamic butter asparagus, and pear crisp with ice cream for dessert.
Well, before all the eating started on Thanksgiving Day, we got up early at 6:15 am and headed to Balboa Park to run the Father Joe's Thanksgiving Day 5k Run. The start was at 8:00 am, but we had to get there prior to the start so we could pick up our race shirts. I did okay. Not my best, but I hadn't been running regularly for a few weeks. It's easy to get out of shape! I have been doing more weights though, so at least I feel more toned. The race was fun, and afterwards we sat by the Organ Pavilion in Balboa Park and listened to live music and ate some refreshments that the race organizers provided. It felt good to run for a good cause on Thanksgiving Day. Especially since we're so blessed.
I did miss my mom this Thanksgiving. I kept remembering last Thanksgiving when we thought she was in remission. My parents had invited a bunch of neighbors, coworkers, and friends over for dinner. It was really awesome. Needless to say, I still miss her lots. I keep having dreams that she was dying and we were trying to help her. Those dreams are full of anxiety, just like when it was happening in real life. You just feel so helpless. I wake up all sweaty and uneasy. I hope those dreams go away some day. I hope I have one of those dreams where she smiles at me from heaven and tells me how great it is.
Wii! Yippee! Hooray!
I had lunch with one of People Magazine's Sexiest Man Alive
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Excellent things
Friday, November 9, 2007
Just got paaaaid... Friday night...
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Dim Sum and sum more

Monday, November 5, 2007
Whatever is true

Word art by Gina Miller Designs
I like this Bible passage a lot. I found this world art and thought it looked so pretty and the message so good that I wanted to share.
Also, our best friends AJ & Meera had their baby today! Welcome baby Andon!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Halloween 2007

Todd roasted the pumpkin seeds and they actually turned out to be delicious!

We put on our costumes and handed out candy to kids. About 30-40 kids came. That was less than we thought, but that's ok. More candy for us!
You like our costumes???

Weekend withTodd's parents
Last Friday (10/26) I went to work for the first time since the fires swept thru Rancho Bernardo. The building smelled like smoke still, and something was irritating my eyes. I went home at lunch time because the air quality at home was much better. Todd picked up lunch for all 4 of us from Rubios, so I went home and ate 2 fish tacos. Then we waited and waited for U-verse people to come de-install U-verse and re-install DSL, but they never came. There was some kind of order-input error. They said they’d call us back to set up another time to come, but they never did, so Todd had to call them again today.
Friday evening we went with Todd’s parents to Fidels for dinner. I had the chicken tortilla soup. It was so salty that it was almost inedible. I was sorely disappointed, even though the tortilla was really good. After dinner we went over to Fletcher’s Cove in Solana Beach and walked around. The sunset was really beautiful because of the fire ashes in the air. Then we went back to Carmel Mountain and went to Sports Authority, Radio Shack, GameStop, and Trader Joes to get a box of Mango Moji ice cream. Todd’s dad loved it and ate two!

Saturday morning we headed out to La Jolla to walk around. We found 2-hour parking and walked around Girard Street. They kept finding home décor shops to visit. I really like the shag area carpets/rugs for accent. It’s so modern yet so 70’s. That was fun to walk around, except that it was kind of raining too. We also went into some photography/art galleries to look around. Then we walked to the Cove (Ellen Browning Scripps Park). There were people with homemade cookies, brownies, desserts there, raising money for fire relief for the Salvation Army. Todd’s dad paid 10 dollars and got a couple of platefuls of desserts. He was so excited about them. Then we walked around and went back to Girard to eat lunch at Thai Spices & Rice. I had the Spicy Fried Rice with Chicken. It was pretty good.

After lunch we went home and chilled. Then we watched the Buckeye game versus Penn State. They beat Penn State 37-17 and it was so much fun! Then we watched the World Series and saw the Boston Red Sox beat up on the Colorado Rockies. For dinner, Todd made pasta with roasted veggies, but without garlic.
On Sunday morning we went to run in Encinitas from Beach City Café to Swami’s and back. Then we tried to go to Yogi’s for the Browns game, but the parking lot was too full already. So we went to eat lunch at Souplantation. Afterwards we went to Vons and got some groceries for dinner. We were just eating a simple dinner with leftovers and morningstar burgers. Then Todd’s mom, Todd, and I watched an old foreign heist movie called "Rififi" in which all the perpetrators died at the end. Monday morning around 8:30 am they left. It was a very nice visit.
Good things

On Wednesday 10/24, I looked out the window into our backyard and saw the cute little tuxedo cat was taking a nap on our deck. So I whipped out our Canon with the 12x zoom lense and took a bunch of pictures of her. After a while, she stared at me and then she left.

I made this layout after we came back from being evacuated from the fires. Photo by Tara Whitney.

What would you take with you?
- Important documents: passports, birth certificates, safety deposit box information, homeowners insurance policy, etc.
- All our photo negatives (2 full binders of them, from pre-digital cameras). I was so glad I had organized this at the beginning of 2006. Go me!
- All our photo albums, scrapbooks, and boxes filled with photos.
- My mom's little jewelry box.
- The Tiffany cross necklace that my mom gave me for Christmas 2005.
- Medication
- Toiletries
- Clothing for a few days
- Computers
- Personal DVDs - Buckeye games, my 2004 dance recital with Danceology, our Puerto Vallarta zip line adventure, my skydiving video, and our family videos.
- Tax documents. (They say the only sure things are death and taxes. So if I survive the fires, I need to file taxes.)
- Cameras
- Ipods
- Memorabilia, cards, and notes from my junior high and high school years.
- Box full of written journals that I've kept since sixth grade.
- Large envelopes filled with year-by-year of cards & letters from family & friends, vacation memorabilia, and ticket stubs.
- My Honolulu Marathon finisher's medal.
Fire & Smoke

We turned off the gas line to the house. In under an hour, we loaded up the Explorer and left. The streets in Penasquitos was filled with traffic. I called my manager and coworker at work and said I was evacuating and won't be in the office, and won't be online continuously. I called my Dad and told him about the fires and that we were evacuating. He was surprised that the fires got so close, and said he would get together with his coworkers and pray. It was stop and go all the way across the 56-West. We saw so many cars filled with clothing, boxes, and pets. Dogs and cats crammed into cars everywhere. Smoky haze was everywhere. After we got on I-5 North and passed Solana Beach, we could see the edge of the smoke and it was blue skies after that. There was a sharp divide between the smoke and the blue skies. It was so surreal to see it. When we got to Oceanside, we went East on the 78 and went to AJ & Meera's house in San Marcos. They welcomed us with open arms. We glued ourselves to the TV all day and watch the progress of the devastation. On of the reporters for a local TV news station actually reported right in front of his house as he watched it burn down. It was incredible. We watched TV and there was no news that the fires had reached our neighborhood, so we figured no news was good news. I work in Rancho Bernardo, and that was a different story. They showed house after house, all burned down. The hardest hit was the neighborhood right across the street from my office, Westwood. I wondered if my office would be safe, or if it would burn down or be damaged. They sent out an email that they evacuated from the office as well.
Ironically, during these two days, I felt strangely peaceful and at ease. I was with my loving husband and my best friends. I had everything important to my life with me. All the rest of the stuff was just, well.... stuff. Stuff can be replaced. People before things. I slept well. I ate well. We had Chick Fil-A sandwiches for lunch on Monday, burritos for dinner. Tuesday we had Panera sandwiches for lunch, and we bought groceries and Todd cooked a delicious BBQ chicken sandwich and green beans.
On Wednesday, we called our next door neighbors Fred and Annie, and they had gone home already on Monday night. So, we packed up our stuff again and went back home. The air smelled slightly bad, and there was dark ash and soot everywhere. But our house was totally undamaged. We thanked God for his mercy and goodness to us.