(Those are Buckeye leaves in the background. Not a certain OTHER herb!)
Todd's favorite video game of ALL time is NCAA Football game. He buys it every year and plays it a lot, so it's well worth the money. He plays the whole Buckeye season. And in his video game dynasty, the Buckeyes ALWAYS win the National Championship. However, this was the first year that he got the game right when it came out. He usually waited a few months for the price to drop. But this time he got a great deal on Amazon, where they gave him $20 Amazon credit. That is practically cash around here. So he went for it.
Then the next day, Todd got another happy mail. This time in the form of a HUGE tub of red popcorn from Fireworks Popcorn in Indiana.

He has loved this popcorn ever since Peppermint bought some at her local food store and sent it to him a couple of years back. In fact, we still affectionately refer to this popcorn as "pepcorn", in her honor. So a big bucket of pepcorn was quite exciting. Now Todd is all stocked up for football, both of the video game variety, AND of the real variety. Can't wait until fall for Buckeye football and now NFL too, since the lockout is over! Yay!
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