A few weeks ago, we made our first batch of homemade ice cream in our new ice cream maker, and our friend Cassandra commented on my post on Facebook. We set a date to go over to Pete and Cassandra's house for a crispy lemon chicken dinner, and we would bring the ice cream. Todd and I looked in our ice cream book ("The Perfect Scoop: Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet Accompaniments" by David Lebovitz) for the next recipe to try, and we decided on peach ice cream.
Thursday night was our get together, so we went about Wednesday night making peach ice cream.
First you boil the peaches for only like 30 seconds.

Then you put them into iced water, so the skin becomes easier to slide off.

We tried peeling the skin off but it was very hard. So we still had to use a knife to cut the skin off. One of the peach was all dried out on the inside, so we had to replace it with some nectarines.

After that we cooked the peaches in sugared water for 10 minutes. Then we put everything into the blender.

Add cream.

And blend!

Then we put the blended mixture into the fridge for two hours to chill it. After that, we took it out and poured it into our frozen ice cream making bucket.

Started the machine and left it alone for 20 minutes while it turned and turned.

At the end of 20 minutes, we have ice cream! The consistency is like soft-serve at this point, but very edible.

We transferred the ice cream into a glass air-tight container and stored it in the freezer.
The next evening, we headed to Pete and Cassandra's place for dinner. Chef Pete making crispy lemon chicken.

Dinner is served! Yummy!

Cass and I taking photos of each other, LOL.

In good company.

After dinner, we took the ice cream out of the freezer and Pete dished it out.

The peach ice cream turned out really well! I think everyone was excited about it. Plus it looked so pretty in Pete and Cassandra's clear ice cream bowls!

We left them with some ice cream and headed home, after an evening of great company and yummy food. We're very blessed to share our lives with good friends and good food. :)
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