Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Settling Into Autumn

While San Diego doesn’t have the full four seasons, we are definitely into the autumn(ish) season now.  The days have become shorter, and the air is cooler and more crisp.  The skies are bluer than ever, and some leaves have changed colors and fallen.  The nights are cooler, and I’ve even been wearing long-sleeves and boots.

photo 3

Another way I  know it’s fall is when soups and chilis make their way back into the dinner rotation.  We made America’s Test Kitchen’s “Our Favorite Chili” last Saturday and brought it to our friends AJ & Meera’s house for dinner.  It’s pretty fantastic, and very beefy.
photo 1 

And we got to meet baby boy Raidan, the newest member of their family.
photo 5

Todd and I went to URBN on Friday night for dinner.  I’ve been wanting to get the baked chicken wings there ever since we went there with Monika & David last month.

And the salads there are good too.
photo 4

On Saturday I had a milestone run at the lake.  It’s the first time I’ve run the five miles all the way around the lake in a long time.  My pace was surprisingly good.  I think the cooler temps in the fall definitely helps with my running.

I scrapbooked a page over the weekend for the November gallery at Write.Click.Scrapbook.  I enjoyed it, but it must have taken me about three hours to do it.  Maybe I’m out of practice, lol.  For the layout I printed a screenshot of my food board on Pinterest.  Perhaps that is a hint of what the November gallery theme is… or perhaps not. :)
photo 2

Just as in past autumn seasons, my scrapbooking has slowed down.  In 2011 I completely stopped doing my Project Life album in September.  I’ve noticed that my scrapbooking productivity goes way down in the autumn.  I think it has to do with many things:  the new fall TV season starting, football, and the busiest months of the year for me at work.  When I’m so busy at work, when I get home I don’t really want to do anything.  I don’t want to blog or scrapbook or anything that’s “optional” and not a “have-to”.  I also think I scrapbook less in the fall because of the amount of time I spent making handmade Christmas cards in November.  And Christmas crafting in general. 

So yea, I’m settling into fall.  It’s been a transition but I’m finally getting there and excited about the season and all that it holds.


  1. look at you skinny minnie! you look fabulous!!!

  2. Your lighter weight probably helps with running too. :)

  3. Your food always makes me crave something, this time I want a Thai beef salad. You do look really great in those skinny jeans. My fav pair are from Lucky. You gotta try the t-shirt jeans because they are super comfy.

  4. Sorry, my above comment was for your newest post, not sure how I got sent to this post. Must be my fat fingers playing tricks on me.


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