Thursday, August 14, 2008

One Point Five

I woke up this morning thinking of and missing my mom. Then I realized that today is exactly 1.5 years since she passed away. In some ways I can't believe it's been that long. It still feels fresh. I can still hear her voice and see her smile in my head. Since I've gotten off my med for anxiety, I have been missing her more and been crying more freely when that happens. People are right when they say that you never "get over it". You just get used to it. And even that hasn't happened fully for me yet. I lost her when I was 36 and she was 63. So young for her to go, and so young for me to lose her. I can't believe that we were only together on earth for 36 years. It's not enough time for me. My only consolation is that she's with the Jesus whom she loved her whole life, and that I'll get an eternity to be with her in heaven as well.


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