Saturday, March 10, 2012

Food Club | Muzita Abyssinian Bistro

A bunch of us friends formed a food club of sorts about a year and a half ago.  We used to be the “Asian Food Club”, but we changed it to just “Food Club” now, because we have ventured into non-Asian food territory!  We’ve met 7-8 times now, each time eating at a new and exotic place.  (See one of our previous food club outing to Yakyudori

Last Sunday, March 4th, we met up at Muzita Abyssinian Bistro for some Ethiopian food!  None of us have ever had it, so it was a new adventure for all of us.  But first, Todd and I left early to enjoy the warm 80 degree weather at Balboa Park.  The scenery and the weather couldn’t be beat!


They’re doing some maintenance at one of the museums. 

Front of Museum of Man.

The Prado.

San Diego Museum of Art.

Inside the Prado courtyard.  So pretty.

Ok, back to the Ethiopian food.  We met up at Muzita Abyssinian Bistro at 5pm.  It is located in University Heights, on Park Blvd. 

Shannon and Ryan were already there, as were Dejah, Roby, and Roby's uncle Paul.  Maria arrived shortly thereafter. 

Our waitress explaining the food to us.  She was really great.

Roby ordered Birsn Korosho, which was a spicy lentil spread with crispy fried injera bread.  We got to try some.  20120304-IMG_0200_60020120304-IMG_5315_600

Maria ordered Sambusas, which was actually very similar to Indian samosas!  It was stuffed crispy pastries filled with mixed veggies and potatoes.  

Todd and I shared an appetizer, an entree, and a dessert.  To start, we had Teff Encrusted Bamya, which was basically fried okra.  It was pretty good, but the okra was a little bit slimy. 

Todd and I shared the Zigini Siga entree, which was beef with stewed tomatoes and onion.  It was strange to eat with the injera bread, scooping up the food with it.  Eating with hands is weird! 

For dessert, Todd and I shared the creme brulee.  Yum yum!

A group shot, taken by Todd.  It was fun to hang out with everyone at Food Club again.  The last time we went was a long time ago!

I really enjoyed trying Ethiopian/Abyssinian food.  It was something that Todd and I probably wouldn’t go on our own, but it was super-fun to go with a group of people!  Can’t wait for our next Food Club meeting.  I think we’re eating Peruvian or El Salvadorian next!


  1. I may be wrong about this..but isn't injera bread supposed to be super healthy?? How did it taste?

    My kids would love this restaurant..not necessarily for the food, but the 'eating with your hands' part. ;)

    Creme brulee on any continent = yummo!

  2. Impressive facade on the Museum of Hoomans!

  3. Wow! The architecture of those museum buildings is fabulous, so ornate! Glad you tried & enjoyed the food ... it does look pretty darn tasty!


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