Monday, January 16, 2012

On Running, Old Friendships, and Cats

One of my goals this year is to run 366 miles, or one mile per day on average.  This might not be a big goal to some people, but I will be happy if I can achieve 366!  I only ran 234 miles in 2011 due to three bouts with sinus infections, and starting out the year in physical therapy for an IT band running over-use injury. In 2010 I ran 379 miles, so I know I can do it again.

So far this year I’ve run 19.2 miles, so I’m on track!  Last week I ran 4x, did weight training 2x, and went to Zumba class once.  And I started tracking calorie intake at Daily Mile.  I hope to see results soon in “Operation Minimize Muffintop”!  :p  Seriously, my pants were getting tight and I hit my max weight again.  Time to get serious after all the vacation and holiday eating.

When I’m pressed for time, I go right out the door from my house and run on the road.  It’s pretty hilly, but there’s a guardrail so it’s pretty safe.  I can usually squeeze a couple of miles in this way, if I don’t want to run on the treadmill at home.

On Sunday we went running at Lake Miramar and it was nearly perfect running weather.  Party cloudy and around 60-65 degrees.

I ran 4.09 miles, the longest I have run in a while!  But I felt pretty good and kept at a good pace. 

Afterwards, I stretched to old school Hall & Oates.  Oh yea!

On Saturday night my good friend Sally came over to hang out and for dinner.  We’ve been friends since we were 12 years old.  Sally is expecting twins and I’ve been taking some maternity photos of her.  She’s progressing right along!

We got to hang out and I showed her photos from our Hawaii trip in December.  Todd cooked a delicious dinner of Thai Basil Chicken with some Brussels sprouts.  We forgot to cook rice so we had some bread with our meal.  Yum!


On Sunday night, we went to see the production of “Cats” at the Civic Theater. 


I got tickets through work so we got really good seats!  Row 5 center stage.

I really enjoyed the cat costumes and the singing and dancing, but I sort of don’t “get it”.  There wasn’t really a plot involved.  I thought there would be more of a story.  But you know what?  That’s okay, because I got to experience something new and it was really cool!


  1. I am a huge fan of theater and musicals, but have never seen Cats....I just know that Memories is from that show :)

    Congrats to your friend Sally--she looks awesome. You know how much I love twins :)

  2. Great goal for your running. Running in SD must be similar to running in Hawaii. Our family will be coming up to SD in May/June. Tate is going to run in the rock and roll marathon. He already registered and we are looking forward to spending time in your fab city. I'll probably be combing through your blog for some good eating tips.

  3. Wow, twins! All the best for Sally! Like to see her so happy!!

    Congrats to your running goal!

  4. Sally looks GREAT!

    So does the food!

    Like I said, bunch of alley cats singing cool songs. When I saw the broadway show in NYC, one of the 'cats' came walking down the aisle and crawled up in my lap.

    For real.


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