Saturday, September 3, 2011

30 Days Of Lists | Day 3: People I Love

I think this list will be pretty short, if I'm being honest.  I have many friends and acquaintances, but I can't say I truly love that many people in my life.

30 Days of Lists | Day 3:  People I Love:
  • Todd
  • my dad
  • my sister
  • my mom (she passed away in 2007, but I still love her, of course)
  • Meera
I am behind in processing photos and blogging my everyday life.  More will come this weekend.  Also updates to my 30 Days of Lists SMASH book and my Project Life album will come soon as well.  :)


  1. I completely agree about the list of who you truly love being short. However, it's nice to be able to invest so much into those you do love.

    Here's my list for today:

  2. a list of real loving people can´t be very long!

    Can´t wait to see something of your Smash book and I´m looking forwart to your 1.000 post - project


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