Thursday, December 7, 2006


I'm thankful for:
  1. Knowing Jesus Christ as my personal savior and friend.

  2. Having my best friend as my husband.

  3. My mom's great attitude and continued faith that God will heal her of cancer.

  4. My steady job and my boss who is very understanding.

  5. I have everything I could want, within reason. I have more than the basics of food, clothing, shelter. Most of all, I have love.

  6. The Ohio State Buckeyes, who provided a thrilling fall season of undefeated football.

  7. My nice faux shearling blanket on my couch.

  8. My digital camera. It has helped me capture some of the best moments in life.

  9. Photoshop Elements - for making a digital scrapbooker and designer out of me.

  10. Sunny skies, warm breezes, and a 20 minute drive to the beach.

  11. 7th annual Christmas on the Beach.

  12. My health.

  13. My body. It is strong, it gets me to places.

  14. Bed Buddy - it's this bean-filled bag that you heat up in the microwave. Keeps my feet warm in the winter so I can fall asleep!

  15. My friends. You know who you are.

  16. My church home fellowship. After being absent from the scene, I'm so glad to be back in a group.

  17. Food. I love to eat. :-)

  18. Books.

  19. My mind.

  20. Tough things in life that shape my character.

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